Setting the Taste of the Nation: Dining with George and Martha Washington, presented by Amanda C. Isaac
WebinarCo-sponsored with the Silver Study Society, this event will showcase the silver and ceramics used by the Washingtons.
Co-sponsored with the Silver Study Society, this event will showcase the silver and ceramics used by the Washingtons.
Curator Christine Gervais will describe recent acquisitions made by Rienzi.
Insights into a Vision: How a Collection Evolves.
Paul Crane will chart the life of Dr. John Wall, founder of the Worcester Porcelain Manufactory.
Ceramics have been featured prominently in art throughout history.
Symposium featuring four programs
Contemporary Ceramics in the MFAH.
Speaker to be announced soon.
Speaker to be announced soon.
Dutch delftware from the 1600s to early 1800s.
Field trip to home ceramics collection.
British transferware and popular decorative patterns for American consumers in the New American Nation.